Strategic Relief, Now

In the aftermath of hurricanes Irma and Maria, The Attenure Group was created by a group of Puerto Rican professionals – in alliance with a mainland US based Asset Management firm – to quickly provide much-needed financial relief to policyholders seeking to fight insurance providers underpaying their claims.

¿Por qué Attenure?

Attenure le brinda al pueblo de Puerto Rico el poder de luchar contra las aseguradoras que sistemáticamente han estado pagando las reclamaciones por daños a montos muy por debajo del valor real. Para ayudar a los asegurados a resolver problemas urgentes relacionados con las tormentas, Attenure creó el Fondo para los Damnificados del Huracán María: millones de dólares para ayudar a nuestros clientes a recuperarse más rápido. Más allá de estos importantes fondos, contamos con un equipo robusto y experimentado de abogados, ajustadores y otros expertos para que luchen por usted.

Immediate Funding

Attenure offers mitigation disbursement, an upfront, non-recourse cash payment to the policyholders. No other group in Puerto Rico offers this type of economic relief to policyholders to make necessary repairs on the property; to compensate the policyholder for already-incurred expenses, or provide capital for the policyholder to be able to restart their businesses.

Superior Attorneys and Experts

Attenure has hired the best attorneys, adjusters, engineers, and other experts in the field of insurance recovery for damage caused by natural disasters.

Its global co-lead counsel, WMC Law PLLC and Reed Smith LLP, have resolved thousands of insurance claims and recovered billions of dollars for policyholders.

Negotiating Power

Aggregating Claims Yields Negotiating Power. Attenure has leverage from aggregating claims to force better and faster settlements.

Additionally, amassing a large number of claims gives Attenure and its attorneys a unique opportunity to identify and prove the insurance companies’ fraud at a systemic level.

Miguel Cotto Anuncia Alianza con Attenure

 iTenemos Que Luchar Juntos Ahora!  “El pueblo puertorriqueño hizo lo debido para  prepararse  a enfrentar los huracanes Irma y María. Planificaron con anticipación, compraron seguros y pagaron primas durante muchos años. Luego, las compañías de seguros los traicionaron”.
Mira el Anuncio  

Don't Delay!

You paid your premiums, your fulfilled your end of the bargain, now it's time for your insurance provider to fulfill theirs. Let us help you fight for the compensation you deserve.


Main: 787-957-3010 | Fax: 787-665-0178

Colgate Palmolive Building
Metro Office Park
PR 8 Street #1 Suite #204
Guaynabo, PR 00968-17720